The ITER will possibly go away for Japan

The director of the Power, Environmental Research center and
Tecnolo'gicas (CIEMAT), Caesar Dopazo, has affirmed that the French
candidacy "probably becomes against Europe".


In the inauguration of the Days of Debate on Thermoelectrial Solar
Energy celebrated today in the CIEMAT, Dopazo he explained that this
organism impelled more ago than ten years the launching of project

He purely indicated that by reasons "that nothing they had to do with
power or scientific questions, but with aspects of European policy",
the European candidacy to lodge the ITER fell to Cadarache (France),
in damage of Vandell?s (Tarragona). 

Now, this decision "probably becomes against Europe", since the last
evolutions seem to indicate that it will settle in Japan, indicated

The Japanese government delay to be able to present/display its new
financial proposal in the conference on the ITER that will be
celebrated in Vienna in the middle of June, according to information
of the Japanese press. 

The economic newspaper Nikkei informed recently into which Japan will
contribute more with 100,000 million yens (884 million dollars) to the
construction of the ITER in the locality of Rokkasho, to the north of
the archipelago, in the case that is granted the project to him

Half of the additional amount offered by Tokyo would go to stop to the
construction of a research center in the country that is so outside
the concession of the project and as they have anticipated the
participants in the ITER (the U.S.A., the UE, Russia, China and Korea
South del). 

Other half would be reserved to use it in case one of the countries
jeopardizes with the ITER retired. 

To the margin of this supply, the country that welcomes the
experimental reactor will have to finance a 48 percent of its
construction, which would suppose 274,000 million yens (about 2,424
million dollars). 

Project ITER, with a global investment of 12,000 million dollars for
next the 35 years, looks for to advance the development of the
thermonuclear energy like safe, clean and sustainable power plant
that, on the other hand, she is inadequate to make arms.